Past Legislative Action

Jack O’Meara and Rose Dolatowski recently created a video encouraging WASN members to engage with their state legislators, providing pointers on how to do that. You can find the video on YouTube
Governor Signs Bill Expanding Mental Health Consultation for Students
At the State Capitol on Wednesday, February 5th, 2020 supporters for expansion of school-based mental health services in Wisconsin, gathered in the Governor’s office to celebrate the signing of 2019 WI Act 88, which expands existing Medicaid-funded consultation services to include connections with parents.  WASN registered in support of this bill in 2019.  Read the full press release here.

Governor Evers signs SB 163/AB 175 Workplace Violence Against Nurses Legislation
This legislation delivers a Class H Felony for individuals who cause bodily harm to a nurse and other health care providers. According to the American Nurses Association one in four nurses are assaulted at work. WASN registered in support of this bill in 2019 in solidarity with the Wisconsin Nurses Association.


Governor Evers signs School Nurse Day Proclamation

Blue Ribbon Commission:
January 4, 2019 Report from the Blue Ribbon Commission on School Funding: “The Commission recommends that the Legislature consider providing revenue limit adjustments for energy efficiency measures, lead testing and abatement projects,
mental health services, school resource officers, school safety expenditures, school nurse costs, and
above-average transportation costs." 

Support the Blue Ribbon Commission on School Funding Proposal to Create a Revenue Limit Adjustment for Cost of School Nursing. Contact your legislator and provide them with information about school nurses and request their support for the Blue Ribbon Commission recommendation. You can use this template from WASN as a guide.

WASN leadership visited the Governor's and Speaker's offices in Madison
to voice support of the Blue Ribbon Commission's recommendations


                                                     Pictured from left to right
Kelly Barlow (President-elect), MaryJo Beining (WASN Legislative Committee Chair),
Nicholas Herrick (President), Jack O'Meara (WASN Government and Public Relations Consultant)


State Mental Health Funding:  
The expansion of the mental health initiative funding from $3 million for year to $22 million per year is included in Governor Evers' budget proposal and includes all pupil services professional categories - including school nursing - for funding eligibility.  WASN is in support of this.  Please speak up in support, especially for school nursing funding.
WASN signed on to a letter addressed to U.S. Congressman Mark Pocan requesting an increase in funding ($100 million for fiscal year 2020) for the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health to respond to soaring e-cigarette usage among youth.  Congressman Pocan is on the Appropriations committee and sits on the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education & related Agencies subcommittee (under which the CDC would request funding).

WASN supported Senate Bill 73 a bipartisan bill relating to prohibiting the sale of vapor products to minors and the purchase of those products by minors. The bill is currently being reviewed by the Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety.

WASN joined the coalition to support dental therapy in Wisconsin.  Many organizations have signed on to support legislation that would allow the use of dental therapists in Wisconsin, including the Wisconsin Public Health Association, Wisconsin Oral Health Coalition, UW Health and Children's Hospital of Wisconsin.  The following is an excerpt from the coalition's letter of support:  "Leading experts agree, and data confirm that nationally Wisconsin ranks near the bottom in access to dental care for low-income children. The connection between oral health and overall health is well documented and advocates agree allowing dental therapists would improve access to care in our state.  A dental therapist is a licensed oral health professional who works in conjunction with a dental care team under the supervision of a dentist.  They provide evaluative, preventive, restorative dental care within their scope of practice.  Authorizing dental therapists to a dentist-led team would increase access to dental care for underserved areas of Wisconsin.  There is no silver bullet to fix dental access in Wisconsin.  However, more and more states are joining our neighbors in Minnesota who have allowed dental therapists to practice and have well documented the success this change has made.  In addition to over 50 countries, dental therapists are currently authorized in Michigan (2018), Arizona (2018), Vermont (2016), Maine (2014), Minnesota (2009), with tribal authorization in Alaska (2003), Washington (2017) and Oregon via state pilot authority (2011).  Several other states are currently considering legislation."

Rollback of Cleaner Car Standards
The American Lung Association was asking for support from health and medical organizations, including WASN, in opposing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) proposal to roll back the cleaner car standards. The WASN Legislative committee felt that as a public health organization it was important to oppose this roll back and due to the urgent time frame in which to respond, brought it to the attention of the executive committee who agreed that WASN should sign on with other organizations opposing the proposal. See the full letter HERE


Legislation WASN is in support of and Monitoring, 2017-18 

Stock naloxone programs in schools for anyone who may be experiencing an overdose.
Signed into law summer 2017.


Legislation WASN is in support of and monitoring,  2015-16

School Nurse Advocacy with Legislators in Madison - Read more here