
Becky McCabe
2024 School Nurse of the Year Award Winner!
Pictured are: Jamie Trzebiatowski and Becky McCabe

Char Kizior
2024 School Nurse Administrator of the Year Winner!
Pictured left to right are Jamie Trzebiatowski, Char Kizior, Kelly Barlow-Eichman

Pictured: WASN President Joan Simpson (L) Gretchen Forbes (R)
Pictured: WASN President Joan Simpson (L) Lisa Jensen (R)
Pictured: Jack O’Meara (L) Rosemary Dolatowski(R) |
Katheryn Etter School Nurse of the Year Gretchen Forbes Madison Metropolitan School District |
School Nurse Administrator of the Year Lisa Jensen Fort Health, Palmyra/Eagle School District
2019 School Nurse Advocate of the Year Rosemary Dolatowski |
Pictured: Marie Magnan (L) WASN President Val Hon (R) |
Pictured: WASN President Val Hon (L) Sally Zirbel-Donisch(R) |
Pictured: Rep Eric Genrich (L) Jack O’Meara (R) |
Katheryn Etter School Nurse of the Year Marie Magnan Prescott School District |
School Nurse Administrator of the Year Sally Zirbel-Donisch Madison Metropolitan School District |
School Nurse Advocate of the Year Representative Eric Genrich |
Pictured: Lisa Heinzen (L) Rebecca Wendel (R) |
Pictured: Rebecca Wendel (L) Susan Stroupe (R)
School Nurse Advocate of the Year Award not presented in 2017 |
Katheryn Etter School Nurse of the Year Lisa Heinzen Albany School District |
School Nurse Administrator of the Year Susan Stroupe Racine Unified School District |
School Nurse Advocate of the Year |
Pictured: Anita Schubring |
School Nurse Administrator of the Year Award not presented in 2016 |
Pictured: Douglas White (L) WASN President Val Hon (R) |
Katheryn Etter School Nurse of the Year Anita Schubring |
School Nurse Administrator of the Year
School Nurse Advocate of the Year |
Pictured: Mary Kay Logemann |
Pictured: Joan Simpson |
School Nurse Advocate of the Year Award not presented in 2015 |
Katheryn Etter School Nurse of the Year
Mary Kay Logemann
School Nurse Administrator of the Year Joan Simpson
School Nurse Advocate of the Year |
Pictured: Kerri Schmidt (L) Louise Wilson (C) Melinda Vose (R) |
Pictured: Senator Luther Olson |
Katheryn Etter School Nurse of the Year
Kerri Schmidt AND
School Nurse Administrator of the Year
Melinda Vose
School Nurse Advocate of the Year Award Senator Luther Olson
Pictured: Louise Wilson (L) Sharon Kaltenberg(R) |
Pictured: Louise Wilson (L) Isa Chase (R) |
School Nurse Advocate of the Year Award not presented in 2013 |
Katheryn Etter School Nurse of the Year
Sharon Kaltenberg
School Nurse Administrator of the Year Isa Chase |
School Nurse Advocate of the Year |
Andrea Van Sickle, 2012 Wisconsin School Nurse of the Year
M. Kathleen Murphy, 2012 School Nurse administrator of the Year
M. Kathleen Murphy Press Release
Twyla Lato, 2011 Wisconsin School Nurse of the Year
Twyla Lato Press Release
RaeMalee McMahon, 2011 School Nurse administrator of the Year
Bette Carr, 2010 Wisconsin School Nurse of the Year
Bette Carr Press Release
Sharon Daun, 2009 Wisconsin School Nurse of the Year
Diane Hamilton, 2008 Wisconsin School Nurse of the Year
Friends and family honor East Troy’s own Diane Hamilton
On May 15, 2008 The Milwaukee District Nurses Association presented M. Kathleen Murphy RN MSN, FNP-BC with the MDNA Leadership Award. She received the award at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 2008 Nurse of the Year Awards. Kathleen Murphy is the Health Services Coordinator for the Milwaukee Public School District.
Mary Jane Hirtz, 2007 Wisconsin School Nurse of the Year
Rose Dolatowski, 2006 School Nurse of the Year